Friday, August 22, 2008

Tips to train your mind to create wealth

Have you ever wondered why some people keep making more money and others struggle to make ends meet? Have you ever asked yourself why some people live in luxury and while others pile up debts? Well the answer is not far fetched, it is simple. The people that live in luxury know the simple and basic technique of attracting wealth to themselves over and over again. They have learnt to tune –in their radar. It was almost just two and a half years when we first met. Fred was very jittery and scared person. He explained to me that he was cursed. I was surprised and asked why, then he said that everything bad that happens to him and around him, he must have thought of it first or it must have slightly crossed his mind before happening and as a result his life was in ruins. At this time, Fred didn’t know it but he had acquired mind power, something that is hardly noticed by each individual, but available to everyone. I sat him down and brought him to calmness, then he gave me some examples and sincerely there were true. So I explained to him the idea of mind power and told him that for every negative thought that comes to his mind, he should counter it with a positive one. I asked him if he had any big dreams of his own and he said yes. So I told him to paint a strong picture of his dreams and him achieving it in his mind, hold this picture firmly without bias but strong belief. Even if the though of loosing his job comes (because he had been in and out of four jobs) he should just say to himself, “I am great at what I am doing.” Today almost two and a half years later, Fred is a very successful real estate investor and big business man living his dreams. The idea is very simple and the technique very easy. Develop a strong mind power. This is the greatest tool to achieving your success and realizing your dreams. Christians call it faith, psychologists call it mind power but whichever you wish to call it, you have to learn to train your mind. To achieve success and realize your greatest dream you need to acquire this strong tool. You need to learn how to make the positive powers of nature work for you and avoid the negative powers working against you. This is a reality and as long ass you live in this world and hope to fulfill your dreams, you constantly in this battle. So how do you train your mind to attract the positive powers of nature and make them work for you? How do you use mind power to achieve your goals and realize your dreams? Here are 4 tips to help you achieve them successfully.

1 Set a goal: Take a look at your self and the position of your finances now and the reality that surrounds you. Then create a very realistic plan for yourself for the next 6 months to one year. For instance if you are in debt and you do not have a job, your priority should be getting a job and a good one of your choice and one that drives your passion and not aiming at getting one million dollars.

2 Focus: Focus on your set goal. Do your best to take your mind off any obstacle that seems to come your way, for surely they will show themselves. Know that every problem comes with a solution, you only have to keep focusing on the solution or finding the solution. To do this, start telling yourself, “I want the perfect solution.” This sends a message to your subconscious mind and if you repeat this process regularly, you will surely get answers, it may not just appear in a dream but you will guided to it.

3 Think positive: You have to develop a positive attitude and create a positive atmosphere around yourself. You also have to create a positive consciousness of wealth, by believing that you can achieve your goals, realize your dreams and you have what it takes and also that you can and will make money. This will require a very strong positive focus on your part on all your good qualities and as well exercising them.

4 Be vigilant: This is very because after you have developed a positive attitude, focusing and exercising on all your good qualities, certain opportunities will begin to come your way. You must know that success also requires you to be flexible in reaching your goal. You should be able to see with your mind, what your eye has missed and you must be ready and willing to accept other positive streams of reaching your goal, aside from the path you set. This is because if you continue to focus on a closed door, you will miss the open doors around you. Remember that your subconscious mind is only going to create a reality based on your beliefs. So you need to hold strong to your belief that you can make it and counter any negative thought. This will help you slowly change your thinking and thoughts because if you change your thoughts, you automatically change your beliefs and changing your beliefs will change your life.

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Dreams and goals: How to realize them

Have you set goals for your life that seem impossible to achieve? Do you have big dreams that look impossible to realize? Have you got hopes that are slowly fading away? Is your eagerness on reaching the top of your career sinking? Do you feel you can’t be better than what you are right now? Well my answer for you is , nothing is impossible. The only obstacle to achieving your dreams right now is not money or a bad boss or an unwanted child, but you. No matter what your goal in life is you can achieve it. Long ago people denied the fact that man could fly but the Wright brothers proved them wrong. No one thought of electricity but Thomas Edison did. The bottom line is this, no matter how awkward your dream is or how it may sound, step up to achieve it. These men had dreams that sounded insane, but today their dreams have changed the face of the earth. There are still so many things waiting to be discovered to bring about positive change and your dreams could be just about one of them. Do you feel its impossible to realize your dream? Here are 3 simple steps to take to achieve your dreams and reach your goal.

1 To achieve your dreams you need to change the network of people you associate with. If you want to go up a level, then you need to step up. You need to disembark yourself from people whose words, thoughts and ideas don’t inspire you, motivate you or fall inline with achieving your dreams. It could be the people you have breakfast with or lunch or club members. Surround yourself with positive minded people. People who have achieved great feat especially in the area of your dreams. E-mail makes this possible nowadays.

2 Avoid the greatest critic, which is you. No matter how much you want to take that step, a voice within will tell you, it’s impossible or you are just not that type or you should quit fooling around. Well here is a little tip, you are not alone. But each time that voice come along, say to yourself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Keep saying it till it sinks deep within. You will discover your mood will suddenly change to a vibrant one.

3 Mind power is very essential to achieving big dreams or doing the impossible because first you need to have a mind picture of what you want. Create a picture in you mind of what you want to achieve and see yourself already achieving it. Hold this picture and bring it to mind at least 6 times a day, especially before you go to bed and when you wake in the morning. Nature will seek to develop this picture for you. Mind power development is the greatest tool to achieving your dreams and doing the impossible.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Depression: Dealing with it

Overcoming depression or getting over your depressed state could be quite a task, especially if you are on a guilt trip or you are deep in fear. Sometimes we feel down and do not even know why we are depressed or feel the way we do. Here are 3 ways to discover the cause of your depressed state and easy ways to turn things around. Take a stroll along the beach or in the park or you could just seat and have a cup of tea, then ask yourself these 3 questions;

Am I happy with my life and do I love the way things are going right now for me? If your answer is no, then there is only one solution, stop blaming people and stop making excuses. Take responsibilities of your actions. You need to know that the only person who can stop you from achieving your dreams is ,you. You need to have a firm placement on your mind and in your thoughts, that no matter the stakes you will not quit. You will press on. This is acquiring mind power.

Secondly, ask yourself am I afraid of success? Am I scared of commitment? Have been knocked down and am I scared of getting up? If your answer is yes to any of these then you need to now one thing, every success has its price tag. Yes, being a leader maybe lonely lane, but it lifts you higher. Yes , you may have fallen, but you should know that you are not the first to fall, or commit such a blunder or make that mistake. You need to get up say to yourself, “yes I have fallen, but thank God I still have my legs.” Thomas Edison failed over 900 times before he finally got it right. You need to condition your mind, for that is the power house of winners. For no matter how many times they fall, their minds keep standing and it picks them up again. You need to develop a strong mindset

Thirdly, ask yourself am I scared that my success would pull me away from my religion or belief? If your answer is yes, then you need to now one thing, when successful people speak, others listen. So if you are successful tomorrow, it will not destroy your belief but help to encourage others. They will come to believe more in God and in religion.

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Depression: How to get rid of it

Depression automatically drains your motivation and in some cases destroys it completely. It takes away the desire to pursue anything worthwhile ,especially God. You become blinded to opportunities and blessings around you. You become so weak that you cannot lift a muscle. It take away your enthusiasm for anything and everything. Above all you cannot make a good decision concerning anything and you find yourself in a fix regarding future plans. So what’s the way out?

Cause and effect: Seek out the cause of your depressed state. Some conditions that may bring about depression are:

Guilt: this is like an iron ball hanging down your neck. You have to let go of it. Nothing can change what has happened. No new job, no new relationship. Not even an expensive

Greed: This is one great cause of depression. The act of always wanting more. “he that is greedy of gain. troubles his soul.”
Envy: This is like a virus that easy deep into the emotions of any human being.

Fatigue: This is also a major cause of depression. Stress related jobs, could pull you out of a good social life.

So how do you overcome depression? The very first is through mind power. The mind is the centre of the whole human system. It secretes energy. Once the mind is abused, it affects the emotions of the human body, which in turn affects our actions. You need firm control over your mind. Once you can control your mind, you have power. Even the bible says it, “be you transformed by the renewing of your minds.”
Contentment is the cure for greed and envy. True contentment comes for the heart. The ability to be satisfied with what you have. This can only be possible once you have trained your mind to be able to live within its means. One good way is to avoid sales magazines and catalogues.
Relaxation is the cure for stress. Though the body maybe relaxes, but if the mind isn’t relaxed, then true relaxation can never be achieved.
Finally, the cause and treatment for depression begins and ends with the mind. Learn to take control of your mind and your thoughts, direct them to where you want, keep them at peace and you will live a healthier, happier and peaceful life.

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